It is FREE for ALL Black owned businesses to be listed. Provide a concise description of what your business offers (include specific products/services): Please include customer support information that can be used to contact your company with questions, concerns, or customer service (this must be a phone number or e-mail): Info needed for consumers to support your business (Include any physical address or direct links to your product(s) or service(s): *īLACK OWNED BUSINESS DIRECTORY SUBMISSION must include the followingīusiness owner(s) names (Include all owners):īusiness owner(s) Contact information (for any follow up before publishing):īusiness Location (Please include areas serviced if not providing nationwide service):
*All submissions MUST INCLUDE photo(s) of all owners of the company. Send ALL Submissions to with the SUBJECT as “Directory” We want to make consumer accessibility and utilization of a Black business for ANY PRODUCT/SERVICE seamless. We are aware that there are a number of efforts being made to do this and are open to partnering with all current initiative to streamline it to the full extent possible. “Our company would like to compile a nationwide all encompassing BLACK OWNED BUSIESS DIRECTORY (think the yellow pages). SPREAD THE WORD: CALLING ALL BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES! Connect it to the people to utilize our own people for EVERYTHING we need.